Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Business Education 2Expensive

I can’t understand why business education is so expensive. Looking through the www.skolkovo.ru site, he first Russian business school, I was surprised to see the price about 50,000.00 Euro . Why would I study there if I had possibility to waste a fortune and time?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Software Factories

If you look back to the recent history you’ll find many examples when technical progress leaves millions of people unemployed. Remember machines made needless human work in England in 18-19 centuries? I believe those people could not even believe they can become redundant because of machines as many employed in IT industry that are craftsmen rather than engineers.

I believe one day software factories will start their march. You can say software development is like an art. And I will agree with you. I do not think factories will rotate people everywhere. But it will look like Toyota industry with human-constructors only on the top of production process.

Maybe I’m mistaken. Who knows.

Monday, June 29, 2009


The Creativity in Business is a compilation of Harvard Business Review articles devoted to the aforesaid topic and in short it can be characterized by the only phrase: sometimes creativity is crucial for business. Being milk and water it gives unless food for thought.


The second one is a brief history of successful companies and a try to understand and explain the reasons.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Adobe can SaaS

Maybe I am not a news maker since adobe reader 9 was released some time ago but the fact this software vendor has become also a software as a service provider is remarkable for me.

The tool Acrobat.com has free functionality that suits rather for demo purposes still I would certainly prefer it to other pdf online services. Well done!



Home Alone

Home alone on weekends but not hungering.

  27062009(001) 27062009(004)


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Answered Question

В.ТРЕТЬЯК: Не летал в космос, но очень хотел. Потому что в наше время самые популярные люди были космонавты и хоккеисты.

В.ПОЗНЕР: Николай Юрьев-Медин: “Нравится ли Вам время, в котором Вы живете? Если нет, то в какие времена Вам хотелось бы жить?”

В.ТРЕТЬЯК: Я могу один анекдот рассказать?

В.ПОЗНЕР: Можете хоть несколько.

В.ТРЕТЬЯК: Внучок спрашивает дедушку: “Дедушка, тебе сколько лет?” Он говорит: “Да вот уже 95, внучок”, а он говорит: “А когда ты лучше жил? При Сталине, Брежневе, Хрущеве, Ельцине, при Путине?” Он говорит: “Ну, конечно, при Сталине” – “Дедушка, как же так? Я читал, столько людей погибло. Да, во время войны он сделал много, но сколько людей погибло, когда он был генеральным секретарем”. Он говорит: “Ну, а девочки-то молодые были”. Поэтому, конечно, ты вспоминаешь свою молодость. Наверное, в каждом отрезке времени есть что-то потрясающее и хорошее, и положительные, и отрицательные стороны. Поэтому я думаю, что моему поколению посчастливилось жить в разных государствах, в разных структурах. Смотреть, как все меняется. Россияне, наверное, больше всех испытали тех экзаменов жизни, которые нашей стране выпали за эти 70-80 лет. Конечно, иногда хочется спокойствия как в Европе. Уже все ясно, 100 лет. Но это, может быть, не так интересно. Для меня лично интереснее то, что здесь происходит, потому что это борьба. Как для спортсмена, она очень мне близка. Поэтому я думаю, что я бы согласился с тем, чем я живу.



Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nationals from Silicon Valley

Last years I surprisingly revealed many global IT market players that come from ex USSR. Among them are Valentin Gapontsev from IPG Photonics, Sergey Belousov from Parallels, Stepan Pachikov from EverNote. They created first-rated companies.

Not so far I was interested in their way, how they did it.

Valentin Gapontsev


Sergey Belousov


Stepan Pachikov gives an interesting story in the article series:



In the series many other names are mentioned.

I also saw his interview in "One-storied America" by Vladimir Pozner.

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Friday, June 05, 2009

The Power of Innovations

I'm watching the SPB Forum online video broadcasting. One of the topics is devoted to innovations.

In brief: in the near future telecommunication industry will significantly grow as well as nano-industry. Besides I have heard the idea of connected vehicles , cars that help each other, sharing information. Honestly, I had the same!


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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Time to Think

I can't understand people frivoling away their lives. According to statistics hundreds of thousands die because of alcohol or smoking. Particularly when I see children struggling for life. I see everybody has his own way. But do such alcohol addicted people ever think about their attitude to life? Sometimes I think they should be forcible shown such a video.

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Monday, May 18, 2009


On the 4th of May it was the 80th anniversary of A. Hepburn (1929-1993), the world famous actress and the peace honoured figure.


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My bookshelf

Currently I glance over the book "Leaving Microsoft to Change the World". It is about being unsettled to find your own way. I guess it's worth reading.


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Sunday, March 15, 2009


Recently I got acquainted with the magazine


Share Your Ideas

Rather a good idea for sharing ideas http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/ Still I believe it can be improved and hope to see other implementations.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Authority On-Line

Did you know there is a web log of Dmitry Medvedev where anyone can comment and express his opinion regarding his entries? I knew about that recently.

The blog is being developing and I hope it will be a good place for discussions on different topics.

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Monday, January 05, 2009


I would recommendBarbara Minto book "The Pyramid Principle". It's nice when a person has logic in writing and THINKING! :)